Successful social media influencers share an array of core skills that serve them in many aspects of their work. No matter the influencer’s focus, these skills are vital to building a strong base of viewers, followers, and customers. Here are a few of the core skills held by the most prominent influencers in the profession.

Marketing and Branding Understanding

Most influencers are more than happy to collect in exchange for posting content and promoting brands, but the strongest among them have a solid understanding of both marketing and branding. Influencers who keep their knowledge of both up to date will leave those who don’t in the dust. The best methods for reaching the most massive audiences are continually evolving. Evolving with them is a sure path to success as a social media influencer.

Graphic and Video Design Capabilities

Social media influencer posts that include images and video draw in more viewer interactions than those that do not. Social media has moved away from text-only formatting in recent years and towards video and graphic display capability as a result. Designing and creating these forms of visual content yourself saves money that you would otherwise have to spend on people with these skills.

Public Speaking

Live video posts are vital to influencer success in the age of the internet. The people they try to reach feel more engaged-with and important to the influencer when they can see and interact with them in real-time. Social confidence and public speaking capabilities are vital if influencers want to take advantage of these realities. Social media algorithms favor live video posts over all other content types, so influencers are more likely to appear on walls and threads if they go live.

Understanding Behavioral Psychology

Behavioral psychology is the key to understanding why certain people are attracted to certain kinds of posts. It tells us why people share some posts, but not others. It helps influencers reach their audiences in the most effective ways humanly possible. 

An understanding of social media trends is good, but an understanding of the psychology behind those trends reveals a path towards true and total success as a social media influencer. You don’t need a degree in psychology to gain this understanding, only a keen desire to learn and understand the nature of behavioral psychology.

Social Media Versatility

Image via FlickrĀ by Visual Content

Social media platforms are the bread and butter of the influencer profession. Understanding all of their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses help influencers and brand ambassadors to fine-tune their content to each platform. 

Some influencers feel the need to stick with one or two platforms because they are familiar and comfortable. Influencers who use many different platforms will be far more successful in reaching large audiences than those who restrict themselves.

Through an understanding of behavioral psychology and social media versatility, influencers become capable of reaching massive audiences of potential customers. These skills, along with marketing, design, and public speaking, are vital to the success of anyone who desires to excel in the fields of social media influence and brand ambassadorship.