With the arrival of the coronavirus, radical measures had to be taken in order not to abandon business activities, which although they were not new, they were always seen as low-use alternatives. Such is the case of teleworking, which went from being a little considered option to being the best alternative in the face of the crisis generated by restrictions and social isolation, and which today has become stronger than ever.

The way of working today has changed substantially in relation to the way it used to work a short time ago, and not only because of the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, which accelerated several practical and innovative processes, but also because of technological advances and the new economic aspects that favour them.

Such is the case of teleworking, which was in the most restrictive days of the quarantine the lifeline of many companies and today is the main option for the labour development of all organizations and institutions, public and private.

Teleworking is an efficient work model that consists of carrying out the tasks inherent to the functions that correspond to each worker, but from home and with the use of the tools and means provided by information and communication technologies.

There are companies that are dedicating themselves exclusively to facilitating the transfer of the processes involved in ordinary, face-to-face office work to teleworking systems that are sustainable and very profitable for companies. This is the case of Malaga Home Working, a company specializing in the geographical and functional management of different telework modalities.

This agency is based in Malaga and provides its services throughout the Costa del Sol, both to large consolidated companies and to freelancers and individuals who are just starting out. The way this company operates is radically changing the way of working for many companies, providing very viable and applicable solutions to any type of business organization.

The company is in charge of facilitating everything for the relocation of workers and entire companies in Malaga. It does everything: it looks for housing, schools, colleges and cars, contracts basic services (water, electricity, etc.), legal and fiscal advice, professional networking and socialization, and 24/7 assistance during the whole time the worker is settled in Malaga.

How to contract their services?

To access the comprehensive support and assistance offered by the company, all you have to do is log on to their website, request an interview with their advisors, and then they will draw up a personalized design for the service you requested.

It’s really simple, and what you can achieve will result in greater profits for the company, happier workers and a guaranteed path to success. Just review the options and choose the one that suits you best.

Advantages of teleworking

When teleworking is assumed in a company, significant benefits and advantages can be obtained, among which it is worth highlighting:

Increased productivity: when workers have the possibility of working from home, they feel more comfortable and happy, so they develop their work better and increase productivity substantially.

Employee loyalty: this goes hand in hand with the previous point, since employees will feel more committed to their work as it allows them greater flexibility, personal development, family reconciliation and other important elements.

Cost reduction: the savings are quite significant, since there are no ordinary office maintenance costs, and can even be completely eliminated when all employees work online.

Improves work ties: it seems unbelievable, but despite the physical distance, teleworking brings workers closer together, as communication must be more constant than when working in person, the way of working deserves it, and this brings everyone closer together.

It attracts and maintains qualified human talent from all over the world: by not having the limitation of distances and physical presence, the company can hire the best people, even if they are on the other side of the world. This is a great advantage when highly specialized people are needed in other countries.

It optimizes the processes and the expansion of the company: when there are no physical limits and everything is done online, any method or process applied to the functioning of the organization can be greatly improved with the use of the appropriate tools and even with the collaboration of everyone from anywhere.

Modes of teleworking

There are basically three ways of teleworking, and they are based on the way they work:

Autonomous telework: these are individual workers who rely on new technologies to carry out their work or provide their services from wherever they want.

Supplementary teleworking: these are contracted employees who alternate their duties in offices with work they can do from home or any other place they prefer.

Mobile teleworking: this is carried out by company employees who do not need to go to the office because they can carry out their functions comfortably from any mobile device with an internet connection.

They work entirely from home or from wherever they like or are able to do so, such as those who are constantly travelling and doing business for their work.

What do you need for teleworking?

To implement telework systems in a business organization, some basic requirements must be met in three specific areas:

Organizational: this refers to organizational management, awareness and commitment, which includes providing workers with the necessary technological equipment for the fulfilment of their functions, such as laptops and payment of internet or telephone service fees, among others.

Technological: the type of technological structure and platforms to be used by both the company and the employee must be well-defined, and everyone must be trained in their use.

Legal: implementing teleworking does not mean sending the employee home on holiday, it is a very high responsibility that both parties assume: employee and employer. It must be governed by existing legal regulations, so it is good to review current legislation to see how teleworking works and how it is regulated, and thus avoid potential problems.