When you run a business, you tend to expect your website to bring new customers in. Of course, not every website is created equally, and certain things can cause problems when attracting new customers. Do you have a clear layout that is easy to use for new customers? Does your site load quickly? If not, then you could find that these are the issues that you are facing and that are reducing your number of leads.

To help you with this, we thought we’d put together some tips to help you get some more leads from your website. This will include everything from a lack of mobile compatibility to overusing stock images on your site. Keep reading to find out more about our ideas.

It Is Taking To Loong To Load?

Did you know that many people will switch off a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load on a mobile device? This figure is slightly higher for desktop versions with 10 seconds, but this is still a limited amount of time. Sites like NetBet have a lot going on but still don’t take too long to load. Take a leaf out of this site’s book and fix your site to keep people on there, whether it would be optimizing your images or switching to a better web hosting service, it’s worth your time.

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Lack Of Mobile Compatibility

Many people now use their mobile devices to access websites and make purchases. Of course, if your website is not compatible with mobile devices then this is going to be very difficult for your clients and so you will lose out on potential leads. Try to make your website mobile compatible and consider creating an app to encourage even more leads.

You Are Using Stock Images

Is your website full of stock images? Having the same stock images that your customers have seen a million times is only going to put people off. Your website will look the same as other sites and it will appear that you have not put much effort into impressing your customers. Try to avoid using stock images and if you cannot afford a photoshoot then use your logo and other infographics.

Too Many Popups

We all know that popups can encourage leads but how many popups are too many? Try to limit the number of popups on your site to just one and allow your customers to dismiss it if they aren’t interested in signing up just yet. You won’t get any leads by annoying people so try to limit these and you will find that it helps you out a lot more.

Final Verdict

If you are struggling from a lack of leads on your website, then you should make sure to try out some of the ideas that we have given you here in this article. Think about the popups on your site and how long your site takes to load. If you can, make some changes and you should find that this makes a reasonable difference in the long run.