Whether you have used a vaporizer before or not, vaping CBD oil is a very effective method of consuming this beneficial cannabinoid. It can be a bit overwhelming to start vaping for the first time. There’s a lot to learn about the different equipment you need, how you use different products and what you need to be concerned with. In this article, we’re going to talk a bit about how you vape CBD oil. By the time we’re done, you’ll be ready to ingest your CBD in a new way that you never have before.

The Benefits of Vaping CBD
There are many benefits associated with consuming CBD oil. It can have a profound effect on chronic pain, inflammation in the body, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia, seizures and nausea. Even medical professionals have begun to acknowledge the effects of this potent cannabinoid. The FDA has approved a prescription form of CBD for epilepsy-related seizures. When you vape CBD, it quickly gets absorbed into your body. Consuming it on a daily basis can help your body become more balanced overall.

What Do You Need to Vape CBD Oil?
You need a vaporizer to vape your CBD oil product. It’s generally very simple to use. It is made up of a metal casing that has a few internal parts run off of a battery. A heating element will heat up the product, and you can use the mouthpiece to inhale the heated product. The ‘smoke’ that you’re inhaling is actually the vapor from the oil. 

Vaporizers’ types

Two main types of vaporizers exist. This includes:

  • The pen-style vaporizer that you can use for concentrated products. This is the more beneficial option to use if you’re just starting out.
  • The tank-style vaporizer that uses e-liquid for inhalation purposes. The liquid mixture typically includes propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, and CBD. 

You’re probably most familiar with the pen-style vaporizer. It’s the cheaper option of the two, and it’s a simpler option to load. You just have to watch out for the internal coils breaking down. This would require you to replace your vaporizer or have it repaired. You don’t want to be breathing in the nanoparticles that could be transferred into the vapor you’re inhaling.

How Do You Vape CBD Oil?
Once you have purchased your vaporizer and CBD oil designed for vaping, you will want to learn how to use your products. Use the directions, including with your specific vape pen or tank to load the CBD oil. Make sure that you have batteries in your vaporizer. Turn on the unit and you should be ready to inhale. It’s a good idea to start out with a slow inhalation to get the idea of how this process works and feels. You may need to experiment a bit to get the kind of effects that you’re looking for. While you might know how much CBD was loaded into your vaporizer, the effects you feel will depend on how quickly you’re inhaling the product.

There are a number of issues that you should watch out for when you’re consuming CBD oil by way of vaping. For example, nanoparticles can end up being inhaled into your lungs if you’re not maintaining your vaporizer properly. This might not be a significant health concern, but it’s something to be aware of. In addition, there is a chance you could be allergic to an ingredient that is in the CBD juice that you have purchased for vaping. If you’re using an E-liquid, then you usually have two main ingredients included besides the CBD. These ingredients are propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. They are not common allergies, but people are allergic to these two components. If you’re not enjoying vaping CBD oil, you can always utilize one of the other methods of taking CBD. There are tinctures, capsules, topicals, edibles and so many other options to consider using.


Alex Malkin

Editor-in-chief at CBD.market

Expert in healthy lifestyle and food supplements with a deep knowledge in CBD (Cannabidiol).